Monday, January 07, 2013

January Goals (pm)

Based on the "30-day challenge" as introduced by Matt Cutts on TED, the grade 5/6 class will be trying out our own "Monthly Challenge".

Students are asked to come up with one goal that they can complete daily for the month of January. Although I encouraged students to focus on goals related to healthy living and fitness, students were welcome to choose other goals as well. Some of the goals for this month include: reading for 30 minutes a day, playing no more than 30 minutes of video games, drinking 8 glasses of water, doing 30 push-ups, and going to bed by 9 pm.

Parents are encouraged to talk about the January goal with their child and help them work toward completing it. Personally, I am going to try to be in bed, teeth brushed and ready for sleep, by 10 pm every night. Wish me luck :)