Thursday, January 17, 2013

Lemon Battery Inquiry (pm)

In grade 6 science, we have been discussing energy forms that can be converted into electrical energy: solar, wind, hydro, and chemical. We have extended our discussion regarding the conversion of chemical energy in respect to batteries. To demonstrate how a simple battery works, we made a simple "battery" out of a lemon, a penny, a nail, and some wires. We used a voltmeter to measure the electricity in the circuit.

For more info on how a simple battery works, check out the video below:

Next week, student groups we be conducting their own experiments based on the Smarter Science model of inquiry  Some students will be investigating if other fruits and vegetables can generate electricity, some will be setting up multiple lemons in series, and another group will be investigating if the "juiciness" of a lemon affects the voltage.

Students are encouraged to prepare their observation charts before conducting the experiment. A big thanks to Holy Trinity high school for lending us their voltmeters for the next few weeks. This will allow us to quantify our findings.