As a way to raise money for the Gr. 6 St. Brigid’s June trip and leaving ceremony, the Grade Six class will be holding a Cake & Fun Raffle on Friday, February 1st.
This is a raffle for all students to participate in. Tickets are $0.50 each, 5 for $2.00 or 12 for $5.00 and can be purchased from your child’s teacher. We always need donations, and all families are invited to participate. You can send in homemade or store-bought cakes, new toys and stuffies, or other clearly marked baked items (we ask for baked items to be nut-free). These items can be sent in the day of the raffle with your child and brought directly to the library.
Tickets will be available to purchase beginning on Monday, January 28th through until the morning of Friday’s raffle. There is no limit to the number of tickets a student may purchase, however each student will be eligible to win one prize only.
All cakes and prizes will go home with the winners on Friday, February 1st. Winners of cakes will be given the opportunity to contact a parent to arrange transportation for their delicious prize. Otherwise, the students will walk or take their cakes home on the school bus.
We are very excited to see all of the yummy cakes, surprises and treats on that day! It is guaranteed to be an exciting start to February.
Thank you very much for your support!
The Grade 6 Class