this project, students will be assigned one of eight organ systems to study. Students
will be responsible for researching their systems and then developing an
interactive poster which can act as a teaching aid to other students. On the
poster, students are to include labeled diagrams and drawings of their organ
system, links to helpful videos and/or online quizzes, and audio recording of
them explaining portions of their poster. These electronic components will be linked
to the poster via QR codes.
All posters should also include written
components that will address the following requirements:
The role of your system in the body
The basic structure and function of the major
organs in your system
Identify and describe one relationship
between your organ system and another
Social and environmental factors that affect
your system
Identify common diseases and disorders that
affect your system
Complete an experiment that puts your organ
system to the test
All posters should include pictures and/or
diagrams of the major parts of the system
All posters should include a bibliography or
list of references used
will have access to the net books and iPADs during class in order to conduct
their research. They are to find pictures and diagrams, as well as helpful
videos to include on their interactive poster. Students are welcome to complete
the research stages at home but the assembly of the poster and the completion
of the written portions must be completed in class. Students should be done
their research and be ready to complete the written portions and assemble their
poster by Tuesday, January 22.
Helpful Websites/Apps:
Health Exploration Station (
Kids Health: How the Body Works (
Biolgy4Kids: Systems (
Science Kids: Human Body Videos (
· Interactive Body (
· Make Me Genius: Science Videos (
· Make Me Genius: Science Videos (
All Systems Go (
FOSSWeb: Human Body (
This is My Body – Anatomy for Kids (iPAD app)