It may be a snow day but it is still a SHOW day! We realize that the buses are cancelled and this can cause problems for some people but the decision as made to go ahead with the concert. Our class is performing in the second show (which starts at 10:05am). The show will last until about 11:00 or so. A reminder that students who are leaving with their parents after the show need to sign out at the main office. For all those who can make it, please remember that our costume is PJs and a santa hat (boys are to wear a shirt and tie on top). For those who can't make it, I will post a video of our dress rehearsal performance in the upcoming days.
Students are also asked to take all of their things home over the holidays - including indoor shoes - so that the coatroom and classroom can get cleaned well (and that those with shoes that are too small can get replaced).
Also, items from the lost and found are displayed on tables near the gym. Parents who are coming to watch the show are encouraged to peruse the items with their child in a a search for lost articles. Items not claimed will be donated to those in need.
Finally, if I do not get to see you before the break I want to wish you all a happy and safe Christmas holiday. I have thoroughly enjoyed this first part of the year and am looking forward to the remaining months working with our amazing students!