Sunday, December 02, 2012

Great Ways to Start the Christmas Season

Are you looking for some great ways to ring in the Christmas season? Here three suggestions to get you singing "Joy to the World" (theoretically)....

  1. Volunteer at the Kanata Food Cupboard - an open session for anyone who can help sort and pack the non-perishable items at the Kanata Food Cupboard. A number of Holy Redeemer staff members will also be there with their families. 
  2. Ottawa Tree Farm (Fallowfield Road) - Free hot chocolate, horse drawn sleigh rides, bonfires and marshmallow roasting, and a huge selection of both cut-your-own and pre-cut trees (I went with my family on Saturday and had a great time!)
  3. Bethel Church "The Gift of Christmas" (Fisher Ave) - Eight shows (two matinees) available to attend. The admission is by donation only and you will not be disappointed. Several excellent musical numbers and the show topped off with a huge "singing" Christmas tree of lights.