For the next three weeks, the grade 6 students will be involved in one of seven book clubs. Each club has 3-4 members who will be reading the same book and who will be meeting up three times to discuss the book, questions they may have, and vocabulary that challenged them.
The book list for the December book club is:

1) City of Ember
2) Hana's Suitcase
3) The Breadwinner
4) Wonder
5) Chomp
6) Holes
7) The Westing Game
Students will have time in class to complete a portion of their assigned reading but will have to ensure that their reading (and the completion of the
lesson package) is completed before each of the circle meetings. There will be three circle meetings in which the students will join up with their book club members:
1) Friday, December 7
2) Thursday, December 13
3) Wednesday, December 19
At each of the meetings, students will take on one of four roles: director, vocabulary, questioner, or summarizer. To download a copy of the lesson package, click
HERE (this package is adapted from Laura Candler's resources for literature circles).