We will also be looking at the Canadian data over the past several years. Students will be asked to organize the historical data (results) from their specific survey question. Some questions go back all the way to 2003 and others are relatively new. The date written beside the question (on the project outline) refers to the first year the question was asked.
Finally, some of the students have been asked to look at data from South Africa. They will have to create a frequency table for the South African data.
We will be using the netbooks on Monday to collect all of the above data but students are encouraged to get a jump on this by working over the weekend to collect some of the data (e.g. class data) into a table.
Here are some links to the data and to some helpful templates:
- find a helpful template (word doc) to help organize the data HERE
- access the class data (spreadsheet) HERE
- access the Canadian data through the links HERE
- access the South African data (spreadsheet) HERE
Please note that the Google documents in the links above must be saved "as a copy" before students can edit the data. To do this, the student must be logged into their google account, and then go to "File" and "Make a copy".