Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Meaning of Home - writing (am)

This week, the students are putting their creative minds to work in order to raise money for a charitable cause. Each student is working on a piece for "The Meaning of Home" writing contest. They will be writing either a poem or composition on what "Home" means to them. It must be between 50 and 300 words. For each individual entry that we submit online by Friday, five dollars will be donated to a Habitat for Humanity project located closest to us.

In class we spent some time learning about Habitat for Humanity and also generating personal word webs about what the word home brings to mind. To remind them that homes don't always mean a comfy couch and an xbox, we completed as activity on homelessness (ask your child about this activity). We remembered our Shepherds of Good Hope presentation from last month also which taught us that homelessness, need, and poverty certainly exist here in Ottawa. It's often just not as obvious or easy to see.

We will be working on this tomorrow in class but students are welcome to continue their writing at home.
To find more information about the contest, Click Here