Monday, November 26, 2012

Buddy Day - Our Hope for a Bully-free World (am)

For today's buddy day, the grade three students from Mrs. Trent and Mrs. Berryhill's classes joined our grade 6s to complete our "I have a dream..." activity. After watching and discussing Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have a Dream" speech and how this is a model of hope and optimism, we brainstormed our hope for the perfect school. Student responses to the prompt "I have a dream" included:

  • where everyone is included
  • where everyone is optimistic
  • where there is no gossiping
  • where everyone tries their best
Student groups had 30 minutes to design a poster and to write a script explaining their "dream". I recorded the students explaining their dream using the Audioboo app and we created QR codes to include on their poster. By scanning this code, one can hear the students explain their poster! To view the indiviual posters and hear the audioboos, click HERE.