Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Advent Food Train

Advent is a time to prepare our hearts and our homes for the birth of our Saviour Jesus.  It is an opportunity for us to look for ways to make “little miracles” happen to celebrate the blessed, real miracles of Jesus’ birth. 
Each year we discuss how fortunate we are as a community.  Most of us have safe, warm homes, enough to eat and warm clothes.  However, we know there are some families in our community who are not as fortunate.  These families can use our prayers and support.

Once again, as part of our school Advent project we are asking each class to donate  non-perishable items to help support families in our neighbourhood.

Starting December 3rd through until December 20th students are asked to bring in a needed item. A letter was sent home today which outlines the project. Thanks in advance for your support.