Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Used Items Drive for Shepherds of Good Hope

In keeping with our school board theme, “By Our Works, We Show Our Faith,” Holy Redeemer is holding a Used Items Drive for Shepherds of Good Hope as one of our Lenten initiatives. Until Thursday, March 28th, the following eight items are being collected:    
1. forks 5. blankets
2. spoons 6. sheets
3. mugs 7. pillow cases

4. plates, all sizes 8. pillows, including throw pillows

Should you have any of the above listed items that you would be interested in donating, please send them to the school with your child, or drop them off in the collection box in the foyer. Though all items may be previously used, new items are also welcome. What a great way to find a new use for items that you may be looking to get rid of during your spring cleaning!