- download the SonicPics app onto their iPOD
- select a variety of pictures to help complement their explanation
- use SonicPics to develop a narrated explanation
- upload to YouTube
Every student managed to complete this task. Click below to view some of the videos:
The Planet Earth (by: Lucas)
Dwarfs and Supergiants (by: Carlos)
Comets (by: Aaron)... note: something happened when uploading and the pics are off slightly (sorry Aaron)
Valley, Volcanos, and Craters on Mars (by: Victoria)
Shooting Stars (by: Noah)
The Moon (by: Bailey)
Supernovas (by: Ante)
Star Death (by: Jared)
Sounds of Earth (by: Marlee)
Saturn: The Gas Giant (by: Tara)
Lunar Eclipse (by: Haley)
Neptune (by: Emma)
The Milky Way (by: Brianna)
Kuiper Belts (by: Mieke)
Jupiter (by: Josh)
Exploring Asteroids (by: Hayden)
Uranus: One of the Gas Giants (by: Michael)
How the Moon was Created (by: Cole)
Asteroids are Awesome (by: Adam)
An Asteroid Coming our Way? (by: Zack)
Black Holes (by: Ben)