Sunday, December 02, 2012

Some Upcoming Events

With the Advent season upon us, there are a ton of events happening at Holy Redeemer. Here is a list of some upcoming news items:
  1. December News and Calendar have been posted on the school website (under News & Links)
  2. The Advent Food Train begins on Monday, December 3 - please help us fill the train with non-perishable items (have students place the items in their class' box in the front hall)
  3. Water Bottle orders are due by Friday, December 7 for those wishing to purchase one
  4. The Grade 5/6 (pm) will be performing Alice in Wonderland on Friday, December 7 (Performance #1: 12:20 pm - 1:15 pm; Performance #2: 1:50 pm - 2:45 pm)
  5. On December 20, we will be having a bake sale to help support the Grade 6 trip to St. Brigid
  6. The School Christmas Concert will be on Friday, December 21 (Grades 1-3 @8:40; Grades 4-6 @10:05)