The Basic Info:
Date: Tuesday, June 25
Time: 12:30pm-1:30pm
Location: School Gym
There will be a cake reception following the ceremony.
Some Other Important Information:
The doors to the gym will not be opened to the parents until 12:10pm. We will be setting up in the morning on Tuesday and will still be doing some final touches during the lunch recess (11:10-12:10). We will be having slides of the grade sixes playing on a loop from 12:10pm until 12:30pm. We ask parents to come in, find some seats and watch the slides. This will help us to start and end on time.
Some students have mentioned that they may not be at school in the morning. If this is the case, I am hoping that all students will be at the school by NOON at the latest - dressed and ready to go - as we have to get our lanterns lit, line up properly, and review final details. Students are to meet in the learning commons at noon to prepare for the ceremony.
The dress code is "looking better than a normal school day" not "prom". This is not a graduation. It is a liturgy and ceremony to say farewell to our grade sixes. Common items worn by boys are nice pants and a button down shirt (tie is optional, but tucking in the shirt might be nice). Common items worn by girls are a skirt and nice shirt. Think Easter Sunday mass when selecting what to wear.
Finally, we are setting up enough seating for each students to bring approximately 3 guests. If there are more than this in your party, please be considerate of others in terms of seating (e.g. small children sit on adult's lap, larger parties split up as to not take up too much of a front row, etc...).
An Overview of the Ceremony
We will start with a liturgy at 12:30pm. The students will be running the show, doing the readings and reflections, and will participate in a "rite of leaving". Following the liturgy, we will recognize each student individually with a certificate. During this time parents will have a chance to take picture of their child with his/her teachers and the school principal. Following this we will be handing out some awards and will end the ceremony by watching a slideshow of the students' grade six year (with some other surprises thrown in).
Funhaven Event (after ceremony)
A reminder of the event at Funhaven following the ceremony. This event is being organized by an awesome group of parents, the school is not the organizer. Therefore, questions about this event should be directed to the parent organizers. All students have been given information about this event through paper handouts.
Parents, if you have any questions or concerns, have your child speak to their teacher or send a note/email. We are planning a classy send off for our grade sixes and hope to see you there!