Today, the students were introduced to an online resource called Khan Academy. This resource has instructional videos and exercises for math, science, finance, and history. We will be using it this year for math. The students are also encouraged to use this resource as they move into high school as it contains excellent tutorials of higher math such as vectors and calculus. We will also be using these videos to "flip the lesson". This concept takes the normal format of teacher-led lessons in the school and the work b being completed at home and flips it.... therefore, having the students learn the lesson at home and complete the work in the classroom.
Over the weekend, I am asking students to view the following three videos on rounding. They are to watch at their own pace and may pause, rewind, or fast-forward where necessary. Once they finish watching all three videos, they are to complete the practice exercise. I am hoping that by completing this "lesson" at home, we will have more time to apply the concepts and work towards solving problems during class time.
Video Lessons:
Practice Exercises
For more information, I invite parents and students to view the
video of Salman Khan (founder of the Khan Academy) speaking at a TED conference in 2011.