Welcome to our class website! Here you'll be able to follow all of the activities and assignments that we are working on, access helpful online resources, and link to our student blogs.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Math Tests - sent home (am)
The unit test for place value and decimals were handed back today. WOW - the class did fantastic! In class, we completed an analysis of the questions and set goals for how to improve on future tests of this nature. Students should have completed all of the corrections in class and are asked to review the test with their parents. Parents are asked to sign on the front index sheet in their math assessment duotangs.
Alice in Wonderland - next FRIDAY! (pm)
Coming to the Rocket Theatre - ALICE IN WONDERLAND! The grade 5/6 (pm) class has been working ard on the play, Alice in Wonderland. The play is a full length (45 minute) play that involves special effects, character and set changes, and a ton of fun! All of the sets and background images have been created by the students. As for costumes, I am asking students to keep it simple. Wearing all black with a mask is great. We will be doing two presentations of the play next Friday, December 7.
Performance #1: 12:20 pm - 1:15 pm
Performance #2: 1:50 pm - 2:45 pm
Parents are invited to attend either performance. Thanks for your support!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Math Test - tomorrow! (am)
To download a copy of the review package, click HERE.
To see the answers to the review questions, click HERE.
Water Bottles for Sale
The Earth Care team will be selling metal water bottles for the low cost of $12. The bottles can be ordered in either red or blue. Both colours will also include the "Go Rockets" logo. We are encouraging all students to start using reusable water bottles instead of disposable plastic bottles. Order forms have been sent home today and are due by December 7, 2012.
Advent Food Train
Each year we discuss how fortunate we are as a community. Most of us have safe, warm homes, enough to eat and warm clothes. However, we know there are some families in our community who are not as fortunate. These families can use our prayers and support.
Once again, as part of our school Advent project we are asking each class to donate non-perishable items to help support families in our neighbourhood.
Starting December 3rd through until December 20th students are asked to bring in a needed item. A letter was sent home today which outlines the project. Thanks in advance for your support.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Laurence Wall! (am)
Today, we were blessed to have Laurence Wall come speak to our class about developing a news story, planning a podcast, and interview techniques. Mr. Wall is the news producer at CBC radio in Ottawa. He prepares and reads the newscast every weekday afternoon on CBC radio. We learned about some news stories from the past (such as the first news cast and the Moose River Mine Collapse). Mr. Wall also explained how the CBC switches from local to regional to national broadcasts and how important the timing (and the atomic clock) is for coordinating these switches. The students will be putting these skills to work as they continue working on their news story podcasts for the remainder of the week.
Does this voice sound familiar to CBC radio listeners?
Does this voice sound familiar to CBC radio listeners?
Monday, November 26, 2012
Buddy Day - Our Hope for a Bully-free World (am)
For today's buddy day, the grade three students from Mrs. Trent and Mrs. Berryhill's classes joined our grade 6s to complete our "I have a dream..." activity. After watching and discussing Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have a Dream" speech and how this is a model of hope and optimism, we brainstormed our hope for the perfect school. Student responses to the prompt "I have a dream" included:
- where everyone is included
- where everyone is optimistic
- where there is no gossiping
- where everyone tries their best
Student groups had 30 minutes to design a poster and to write a script explaining their "dream". I recorded the students explaining their dream using the Audioboo app and we created QR codes to include on their poster. By scanning this code, one can hear the students explain their poster! To view the indiviual posters and hear the audioboos, click HERE.
buddy day
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Spirit Week! (Nov 26-30)
Monday - Pyjama Day
Tuesday - Tacky Tourist Day
Wednesday - Crazy Hair Day
Thursday - Rocket Spirit Day (red & blue)
Friday - Crazy Hat Day
Math Prep for Tuesday (am)
During math on Tuesday, we will be completing activities and applications on the topics of rounding decimals and plotting decimal numbers on a number line. In order to prepare for this class, I am asking all students to view the corresponding videos from Khan Academy and to complete the practice questions. Students should aim for completing 10 consecutive questions correctly. A reminder that our math test on place value and decimals is this coming Thursday and the concepts discussed in these videos will be included on the test.
Concept #1: Decimals on the Number Line (view video, complete practice questions)
Concept #2: Rounding Decimal Numbers (view video, complete practice questions)
A reminder to students that they are encouraged to watch at their own speed and may pause, rewind, or fast forward where needed. The goal is for students to have an understanding of these concepts so that they can apply them during the class time.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Bump, Set, Smash - FUN!
Energy LEGO Video (pm)
The grade 5 students in our afternoon science class have been working hard on building contraptions which incorporate sources of renewable energy. Students designed solar-powered cars, windmills and waterwheels as part of the project. The students were also responsible for researching one of the sources and developing (and recording) a paragraph describing their chosen renewable energy source. Videos of their LEGO contraptions and the accompanying audio tracks were then merged into the video shown below:
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Math Riddles (am)
Today in math class, we expanded our discussion about place value to include decimal numbers. We talked about how each column in the place value chart is separated by one power of ten. By looking at these concepts in terms of money, the tenths column would represent dimes (since one dime makes up one tenth of a dollar) and the hundredths column would represent pennies (since one penny makes up one hundredth of a dollar).
We also complete a math riddle in which the students had to use four clues to determine a mystery number.
The clues given included:
- The digit in the hundredths place is double the digit in the tenths place
- The digit in the tenths place is odd
- The digit in the thousandths place is the sum of the digits in the tenths place and the hundredths place
- The digit in the ones place is four times the digit in the hundredths place.
Students worked in class to develop their own riddles. I am asking that each student submit their own riddle for tomorrow's class. Many students have completed this but those that haven't must complete this at home.
We also complete a math riddle in which the students had to use four clues to determine a mystery number.
The clues given included:
- The digit in the hundredths place is double the digit in the tenths place
- The digit in the tenths place is odd
- The digit in the thousandths place is the sum of the digits in the tenths place and the hundredths place
- The digit in the ones place is four times the digit in the hundredths place.
Students worked in class to develop their own riddles. I am asking that each student submit their own riddle for tomorrow's class. Many students have completed this but those that haven't must complete this at home.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
First Draft (news story) - DUE!!! (am)
Parents, please sign (am)
The students received their place value of whole numbers quiz today. The class (as a whole) did FANTASTIC! We will be continuing our exploration of place value by extending our learning to include decimal numbers. I am hoping that parents have a chance to review and sign the assessment summary tonight.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Math Quiz - tomorrow (am)
The grade sixes will be writing a quick quiz tomorrow on place value of whole numbers. This quiz will be knowledge based (no word problems) and will include the following concepts:
- identifying the place value of digits in numbers up to one million
- determining the value of digits in a large number
- writing a number in words
- writing a number in standard and expanded form
- ordering whole numbers from least to greatest
- using rounding and estimation techniques to determine a reasonable estimate to a problem
Students are encouraged to complete the practice quiz that was sent home today. We will be taking up the practice test first thing tomorrow morning.
QUIZ Wholenumber Placevalue PRACTICE
- identifying the place value of digits in numbers up to one million
- determining the value of digits in a large number
- writing a number in words
- writing a number in standard and expanded form
- ordering whole numbers from least to greatest
- using rounding and estimation techniques to determine a reasonable estimate to a problem
Students are encouraged to complete the practice quiz that was sent home today. We will be taking up the practice test first thing tomorrow morning.
QUIZ Wholenumber Placevalue PRACTICE
Friday, November 16, 2012
News Story - assignment clarification (am)
On Thursday in Language Arts, the students were asked to complete an organizer and then begin to complete a draft of their newspaper article. This was to be completed by Monday; however, since some students did not get a chance to finalize their story idea until the end of class, we are now asking that students ensure that just the organizer (found embedded below) be completed by Monday. Students are welcome to begin their draft but this is not required. Students should concentrate on filling in the article organizer handout and will be using this organizer to develop their first draft in class on Monday using the Netbooks. We have adjusted the deadlines to reflect this change. Have a great weekend!
Newspaper Article Framework
Newspaper Article Framework
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Khan Academy - flipping the lesson (am)
Over the weekend, I am asking students to view the following three videos on rounding. They are to watch at their own pace and may pause, rewind, or fast-forward where necessary. Once they finish watching all three videos, they are to complete the practice exercise. I am hoping that by completing this "lesson" at home, we will have more time to apply the concepts and work towards solving problems during class time.
Video Lessons:
Practice Exercises
For more information, I invite parents and students to view the video of Salman Khan (founder of the Khan Academy) speaking at a TED conference in 2011.
Agamographs - Visual Art (pm)
Under the guidance and expertise of student teacher Miss Evans, the grade 5/6 class created agamographs. An agamograph is a piece of art work composed of two separate images. Since the images are folded in an accordion style, as the viewer passes by the piece, the images morph from the first image to the second image. Check out a video of our agamograph display.
visual art
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! (am)
Our grade six class (am) are starting a three week project to develop a podcast on a news story. Today, students joined one of eight news departments (e.g. sports, entertainment, culture, science and technology etc....) for our class newspaper. Each department will be responsible for researching stories at the school, city, and national level. Students will then write a news story and obtain primary (e.g. through Skype, phone calls, interviews) and secondary sources (e.g. through research) to support their writing. Finally, they will put their news story, their interviews, and class comments on their article into a podcast. We will be focusing the majority of our mornings on this project but some of the work will have to be completed at home. Students will receive a project organizer this week which will outline the tasks to be completed over the project's timeline. Please encourage your child to look through newspapers and other news media to become familiar with the structure and components of a news story. As the project progress, I will post more information on the blog.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Place Value Practice (am)
Good place value games include:
1) ThatQuiz (set to level 9)
2) Mystery Numbers
3) Jumble Digits
4) Fun Brain Puzzler
Redesigned Website
For those who have not seen the changes to our class blog - check it out! In order to make the website more user friendly and (hopefully) more helpful as a learning tool, the format has been changed. New features include:
1) a calendar which will include assignment due dates, test dates, and school events
2) a gallery which will archive our adventures on field trips and school events
3) a twitter feed which will include smaller daily events that are happening in our school
For those that have subscribed to the blog, you should be receiving email updates around 4-5pm (whenever an update is made). For those that haven't subscribed, you can by filling in your email address in the "Follow by email" section at the bottom of the right side bar.
I would appreciate feedback if there are elements that you like or if there are parts that you find confusing or difficult to access. Please do not hesitate to contact me (see the link in the menu bar at the top) to offer your comments and suggestions on how I can improve the site.
1) a calendar which will include assignment due dates, test dates, and school events
2) a gallery which will archive our adventures on field trips and school events
3) a twitter feed which will include smaller daily events that are happening in our school
For those that have subscribed to the blog, you should be receiving email updates around 4-5pm (whenever an update is made). For those that haven't subscribed, you can by filling in your email address in the "Follow by email" section at the bottom of the right side bar.
I would appreciate feedback if there are elements that you like or if there are parts that you find confusing or difficult to access. Please do not hesitate to contact me (see the link in the menu bar at the top) to offer your comments and suggestions on how I can improve the site.
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
Meaning of Home - writing (am)
In class we spent some time learning about Habitat for Humanity and also generating personal word webs about what the word home brings to mind. To remind them that homes don't always mean a comfy couch and an xbox, we completed as activity on homelessness (ask your child about this activity). We remembered our Shepherds of Good Hope presentation from last month also which taught us that homelessness, need, and poverty certainly exist here in Ottawa. It's often just not as obvious or easy to see.
We will be working on this tomorrow in class but students are welcome to continue their writing at home.
To find more information about the contest, Click Here
Math Tests - sent home (am)
Today we took up our patterning test and students were asked to make all corrections and fill out the accompanying analysis of their work. Students are encouraged to get their assessment duotang signed as soon as possible. Those students who wrote the test today will bring their tests home on Thursday. Also, a reminder for those who have not returned their interview form, bottom section of the progress report, and the report envelope to do so. I would like to post available interview slots for those students/parents who were not assigned interviews. Thanks!
Monday, November 05, 2012
Math Test - tomorrow (am)
Today in class, we completed our review of our patterning unit. We took up all of the multiple choice questions from our bell ringer as well as the practice test that was sent home over the weekend. Students are encouraged to review the lessons from class today and try some additional patterning questions.
Check out the answers to the practice test...
Practice Test Answers
Check out the answers to the practice test...
Practice Test Answers
Saturday, November 03, 2012
November School News and Calendar
The school newsletter and calendar of events for November are now available online. To see what's happening in November, download the newsletter and calendar. All news and calendars will be archived under the News & Links tab on the Holy Redeemer website (red.ocsb.ca). Please remember the environment while viewing and only print if you have to. Thanks!
Mrs. Campbell is on Twitter!
Friday, November 02, 2012
Patterning Test - TUESDAY! (am)
Concept Check Practice
Thursday, November 01, 2012
Bill Mason - A Rainy and Fun Halloween
Also, several students were obsessed with feeding chickadees but may not have had a chance. I was talking to a few of them about Stony Swamp trails and how there are hundreds of chickadees there that will eat from one's hand. The best trail (Trail 26) I have found is at parking lot 11, right off of West Hunt Club road. Some information as well as a map to this trail can be found HERE.
Progress Reports and Interviews
Today, all students received their progress report. Along with this report was a yellow paper with information about interviews. The interviews are being held next Thursday (November 8). A schedule has already been drafted which pairs the English and French teacher together for the interview. Please note that some students in the pm class have not been assigned interview times due to lack of space available; however, please contact me for a phone interview if you are so inclined. If you received an interview time and either a) can't make the time or b) choose not to attend the interviews, please indicate this on the form so that I can make your time slot available to others. Thanks very much!
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