Monday, October 22, 2012

SMART Nutrition/Fitness Goals (pm)

As part of our health and phys ed program, students have been investigating SMART goals surrounding healthy eating and exercise. Student are to think of ONE goal in which they plan to work towards for the remainder of the term (end of January). Some students may be focusing on endurance, while others may focus on eating habits. Some students are focusing on increasing flexibility (in yoga) and others are working towards gaining strength. Each student is to develop a goal which will help them lead a more healthy and active life. I have asked that NO student sets a goal of losing weight but rather to focus on increasing activity or making better choices when it comes to food.

The goal needs to be "SMART". A general goal, such as, "I will run longer" or "I will eat healthier" doesn't mean much since these are not specific and lack a deadline for reaching the goal. Students are to identify an aspect of health, nutrition, and/or fitness in their life that they feel they can improve. In class, we will be setting up our goals and tracking our progress (via Google docs) throughout the term. Parents are strongly encouraged to discuss these goals with their child and ensure that the home environment is supportive of these goals (e.g. if your child is trying to eat healthy, don't pack chips or hot dogs for lunch please!). Thanks in advance for your support of this project.

Click HERE to view an online article about fitness goals.