Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Farewell from the Grade 6s - video

The buses have left, the backpacks and indoor shoes and gone, and I am sitting in my empty classroom reflecting on how amazing this year was. I was blessed with a group of students who were inquisitive, hard working, and kind. They demonstrated leadership and teamwork at every step along the way.

This was also my last day at Holy Redeemer as I will be off on "daddy daycare" next year and then moving to St. Gabriel's elementary in the fall of 2014. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Holy Redeemer and appreciate all of the support in the Holy Redeemer community. Thanks for the wonderful and generous cards, gifts, and messages. I will cherish them.

Below is the farewell from the Grade 6s video that was shown at today's assembly. It is amazing! Mr. Ullrich has taken this to a new level - I know that I will be viewing this video often in the future.

All the best over the summer and best of luck at Holy Trinity (for my grade 6s) and in grade 6 (for my grade 5s). I was blessed to have you in my class.