Saturday, May 25, 2013

Grade 6 Slideshow

The Leaving Ceremony is on June 25 but we will be starting to build our video tribute to the grade six class within the next few weeks. I am looking for photos or videos of our grade six students to add to the presentation... specifically those which include school activities (e.g. walk-a-thon, Christmas concerts, sports events).

I am also looking for pictures of when this group of grade 6s were younger (get out your scrapbook!). We would love a section in the presentation for "...over the last 8 years...). If you have any photos of your child or other current grade 6s when they were in kindergarten or the primary grades, please send them too.

Photos/videos can either be sent to school on a memory stick OR can be sent to

Thanks in advance!

Looking for materials for science

In the upcoming weeks both the grade 5 and 6 classes will be using a variety of materials to construct structures (grade 5) and rockets (grade 6). We are in need of:

  • 2L pop bottles (to build our rockets - grade 6)
  • Large pieces of styrofoam (for the base on our rollercoasters - grade 5)
Thanks in advance.

EQAO Testing - next week!

On Tuesday (May 28), the grade sixes will be starting EQAO testing. The testing will always be completed
during period one and will be on the dates listed below:

  • Language Booklets A-D = May 28, 29, 30 and 31
  • Math Booklets A-B = June 4 and 5
Parents may be interested in more information about these tests. EQAO does have this available for parents. I have included some of the most pertinent documents below:
Parents can also help out by ensuring that their child gets a good night sleep on the night before test days... well actually, on ALL days :)

Legacy Project - a final reminder

The grade 6 class are leaving a legacy - a GREEN legacy. We will be purchasing a shrub and planting on the school grounds along with a plaque which will symbolize the impact this year's grade 6 students have had on our school. Students are asked to contribute to this fund by earning money at home by completing tasks to assist their parents, grandparents, friends, and neighbours. These tasks could be "green" tasks or specifically needed chores.

The students have already been given the forms for this initiative but I thought as a final reminder, I would post the forms HERE so that those that may have misplaced the forms can obtain another copy.

We are asking that all forms and funds are returned by this Friday, May 31st.

Thanks for your support!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Assignment Submission Form (am)

Students were asked to submit the links to their persuasive text as well as to their four pieces of poetry: riddle, sensory image, verbs, and forms. I had asked the students to submit the links via a google form but we ran out of time on Friday. By Friday, I am hoping that all students have a chance to submit the links. Students are reminded to set their docs to "public" and then to copy and paste the link into the form.

Students can access the form at

Monday, May 13, 2013

Peace Conference - apply now!

For all grade six students...

The annual peace conference will be held at St. Paul high school on Thursday, May 23, 2013. Mr. Skinner will be taking 20 of the grade 6 students involved in the Ambassador's program for the day. Any grade 6 student may apply using the Google form below. We are asking students to write a persuasive paragraph on why they should be represent our school at the conference. Students are encouraged to cite specific examples of how they have contributed to the Holy Redeemer school community through leadership and peer mentoring programs.

Trinity Orientation - tomorrow!

Tomorrow, the grade sixes will be walking over to Holy Trinity high school to take part in an orientation session. Students are encouraged to check the weather and dress accordingly.

Freezie Fiesta Fundraiser

This year the grade six students are organizing a Freezie fundraiser in support of their end of year trip. Students can purchase one of two “deals”:
·         JUMBO deal = students will get one jumbo freezie each week for four weeks (cost = $5)
·         TASTER deal = students will get ½ of a jumbo freezie each week for four weeks (cost = $3)

All students were given a paper copy of the fundraising form but one can also download a new version HERE.
All forms and money are due to by Friday, May 17, 2013.

Thanks for supporting our grade six students!

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Our Online Reputation

In the current health unit, we will be discussing what it means to be a good digital citizen. We will explore different forms of social media and the policies of these sites related to privacy. Today, we had a discussion about our reputation - what people think of us. We extended this to social media. Some students are beginning to create personal accounts on social media - twitter, facebook, instagram, instant messaging, blogger, skype, etc. For those students who do have an account on any social media site, their homework tonight is too look at the privacy settings and ensure that they have them set so that no information is shared beyond their circle of friends. Remember a "friend of a friend is still just a stranger". Below is a great infographic about being a good digital citizen.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

25th Anniversary Mass

Tomorrow at 10:15am, we will be celebrating our Education Week mass. This year is especially exciting as we are also celebrating our 25th anniversary. Many VIP guests as well as former staff of Holy Redeemer will be attending. All students are asked to wear RED and BLUE (our school colours). Those students who are reading at the mass or are acting as greeters throughout the day are asked to dress "a little nicer than normal". I am looking forward to celebrating with many staff, parents, and students tomorrow.

Holy Trinity Orientation - next week

Next Tuesday, we will be walking to Trinity to take a tour and have our questions answered regarding the move to grade 7. Students were given a form to take home today but for those that have not checked their mailbox or have misplaced the form, they can download a new one HERE.

Monday, May 06, 2013

Education Week Events

This week is Education Week for all Catholic schools in Ottawa. Here at Holy Redeemer we are also celebrating our 25th anniversary! There are many events happening, some are listed below:

Monday, May 6, 2013
  • rooftop photo for 25th anniversary (at 9:55am) - this can be purchased via this form (DUE by this Wednesday)
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
  • SENS spirit day (wear your Sens army outfit!)
  • Holy Trinity band performing for junior students (at 9:00am)
  • Dance performance by our school's dance team (at 2:15pm)
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
  • Wear your school colours (RED and BLUE)
  • 25th Anniversary Mass (at 10:15am)
Thursday, May 9, 2013
  • Scholastic Book Fair
  • Cheque presentation to students of El Salvador mission (at 12:15pm)
Friday, May 10, 2013
  • Muffin Breakfast and Open House (from 7:30am-9:30am)
  • Scholastic Book Fair
For more info about the Open House please refer to the note sent home or find another copy HERE. Our classroom will be open for parents to come in and check out what we are up to. Students will be working on a variety of tasks but if you come, your child will give you a little tour of their work and the classroom.

For the Book Fair, our morning class is scheduled to attend the fair on Friday from 10:00-10:30am. Download another copy of the Scholastic note HERE.

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Metric Conversion Problems (am)

Last week, the grade six students were working on solving problems involving the conversion of metric units. The toughest of these problems was the turkey problem.

A turkey weighs 9.75 kg. It takes about 20 minutes to cook 500 grams of this turkey. Approximately how many minutes does it take to cook the whole turkey?

We used the Explain Everything app to help us show our thinking... below is Marlee and Noah's solution.

Friday, May 03, 2013

May Newsletter and Calendar

Our school's newsletter and calendar for May have been posted on the school website ( Access both of the documents by clicking on the links below. To find the archive of past newsletters, click HERE.

May School Newsletter
May School Calendar

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Cricket and Footy

This week, the students will have an opportunity to learn about and participate in two sports not often introduced in elementary school: cricket and footy. On Thursday (Cricket) and Friday (Aussie X), students will be given lessons on the skills involved in each of the games.

For the Aussie X activities, students do need to complete a permission form. It was available today for students to get signed but I am also placing an electronic copy HERE for those to download and return to school.

Forms are to be returned to the homeroom teacher.