Wednesday, February 20, 2013

New Science Units! (pm)

I am so excited to be starting new science units in both grade 5 and grade 6 science. The grade 5s got started today and, under the direction of Miss Farmer, will be exploring the physical and chemical properties of matter. The grade 6s will be beginning their exploration of space. The big ideas for each of these units are listed below:

Grade 5: Properties and Changes in Matter

1) There are three states of matter.
2) Matter that changes state is still the same matter.
3) Physical change refers to the fact that a substance can be changed from one form to another.
4) Chemical change implies the formation of a new substance.
5) The properties of materials determine their use and may have an effect on society and the environment

Grade 6: Space

1) Earth is a part of a large interrelated system.
2) Technological and scientific advances that enable humans to study space affect our lives.

We will be continuing to use interactive student notebooks for students to record notes, ideas, reflections, and lab experiments. These books are required in class each time we have science, but students are welcome to take them home to review periodically.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Electricity Test - Wednesday (pm)

This coming Wednesday, the grade six students will be writing their unit test on electricity. The test will cover the following topics:
  • converting energy to electricity
  • converting electricity to other energy forms
  • generating electricity (batteries, generators)
  • parts of an atom (electrons, protons, neutrons)
  • static electricity (how is it formed?)
  • insulators and conductors
  • current electricity (what is it?)
  • circuit diagrams (series and parallel diagrams)
Last Friday, we completed a series of review questions using the whiteboards. This review was mainly concentrated on circuits and current electricity. During Tuesday's class, we will be reviewing all of the topics and going over the structure of the test. 

The test will be composed of FOUR sections:
  • Part A: Multiple Choice (basic terminology and knowledge questions)
  • Part B: Communication (discussing different energy forms and how they can be converted to and from electricity)
  • Part C: Inquiry (a question related to our static electricity lab)
  • Part D: Application (students will be asked to build a circuit which includes certain components)
There are some good review games in the "Science Zone". Click HERE to access them.

Also, the review game (with all of the questions) is available to download and view by clicking HERE.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Procedural Paragraphs (am)

During Friday's class, each student had their rough draft of their procedural paragraph reviewed, revised, and edited by two other students. The task over the weekend was for students to use this feedback to improve their work (i.e. good copy). We will be printing out whatever students have made available Tuesday morning so I am hoping that over this long weekend, students have taken the time to fix up the corrections and suggestions.

Boys Handball

This coming Wednesday (February 20), the boys handball team will be travelling to the OzDome for our tournament. I had failed to hand out the permission form to the boys on Friday. With Monday being Family Day (and hence no school), I can't hand out the forms until Tuesday. Although I have no doubt that the boys will return this permission form for Wednesday's tournament, they may print off a copy HERE and bring it into me on Tuesday. Sorry in advance for the inconvenience.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Procedural Writing Assignment (am)

On the snow day and over the weekend, the students were to develop a step-by-step guide on how to complete a simple task (e.g. make scrambled eggs, make a bed, etc...). Today, we took those directions and began to develop a paper (paragraphs) on our "how to" task. Students were encouraged to add in literary elements, such as personification, similes and metaphors, imperative words, and adjectives, which will make their passage more exciting for the reader. The rough draft of this work is due after class on Wednesday. It is important that students complete their draft before Thursday's morning class as we will be peer editing during that time. Students are encouraged to work on this from home to ensure that the meet the deadline. All students should be using Google docs to complete this activity. Students who do not have access to a computer or internet at their homes are encouraged to ask for time during the school day (e.g. lunch or recess) to complete the task online.

Fitness and Canned Goods

Today was our final fitness session. Many students have already told me that the cans that they brought in can be donated to the Kanata Food Cupboard. If there are parents who would like the cans to come home, I am asking that the cans get picked up by this Friday. Any cans remaining on Friday after school will be given to the Kanata Food Cupboard.

Report Cards and Interviews

Today, report cards were distributed.For parents wanting to book a formal interview with teachers, the interview day is scheduled for Thursday, February 14 from 3-5 pm.

If parents would like to book an interview with me (Mr. Fischer) they can book a 10-minute time slot by sending in a note in the agenda or by sending me an email (via the "Contact Mr. Fischer" link). When asking for an interview, please specify who will be attending the interview and the time you would prefer.

Please check out the Google doc, which shows the interview times which are available by clicking HERE.  

Shrove Tuesday - tomorrow (am)

Tomorrow, we will be making pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. In addition to pancake mix, we will also have blueberries, chocolate chips, bananas, whip cream, and syrup available for students to construct the perfect pancake. If students wanted to include additional ingredients, they are encouraged to bring them it. This breakfast is a celebration of our procedural writing unit, so students will have to write out the steps for the "best pancake ever" before they can cook. Also, Miss Farmer (our awesome student-teacher) even said she would bring some juice!

Friday, February 08, 2013

Snow Day!

Today the buses are cancelled due to the weather. Despite the fact that most students will be staying at home, there are a few things that they could be working on.

Language Arts
Students can ensure that they have completed their "steps" for their "how to..." writing assignment; they should have a series of steps that outline how to complete their chosen task/skill. Each step should be detailed enough for anyone to follow. Next week we will be taking these steps and blending them into a creative paragraph.

Reading is always encouraged!

We are working on transformation right now so students could practice these skills using the following sites:
They are also encouraged to play Math Reflex!

We are working on constructing series and parallel circuits. We have yet to introduce these names formally and are still in the inquiry stage. Here is a great website of electricity links that students could explore:

Phys Ed
Shovelling! Cleaning the house!

Enjoy your snow day and if driving on the roads, be careful!

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Ski Day!!

Tomorrow (Thursday) is our ski trip to Mt. Pakenham. A quick reminder for students to dress appropriately for the weather. Check the weather HERE.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

McDonald's Family Fun Night - Wednesday

This Wednesday, February 6, Holy Redeemer Catholic School invites you to attend a fundraiser evening from 4 to 8 pm. Twenty (20%) percent from your purchase will be returned back to the school. Simply bring the cutout (handed out the each child on Monday) to the Hazeldean McDonald's and present it to the cashier PRIOR to placing your order. Funds raised from this evening will go towards supporting School Council initiatives. Your business is welcome at the drive-thru as well!

We have more of the handouts at school so ask your child to bring home additional copies if needed.

Thanks in advance!